He nailed it w/o blinking an eye ;-)
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
The word “BROAD” and the Australian Royal Commission
by Londo111 inperhaps i am making too much of this, but was anyone else struck with the number of times the word ‘broad’ and ‘broadly’ were used?
sometimes i wondered if it was due to coaching, in particular when the questioning put a person in a tight spot.
for instance, from the testimony of bowditch:.
The word “BROAD” and the Australian Royal Commission
by Londo111 inperhaps i am making too much of this, but was anyone else struck with the number of times the word ‘broad’ and ‘broadly’ were used?
sometimes i wondered if it was due to coaching, in particular when the questioning put a person in a tight spot.
for instance, from the testimony of bowditch:.
cha ching
Good catch Londo! Seems like they may use this word for court cases, whereas "evidently" or "apparently" are reserved for the written articles...?
I liked that article, thx for the link, GH! Some quotes:
#10: Bargain. Even when the jig is up, liars can often escape the worst by using a process psychologists call bargaining. "You want to soften, alleviate, or totally eliminate feelings of responsibility for the lie," explains researcher Mary DePalma. "If you can decrease responsibility for blame and the anger that goes with it, you're really looking at a much better outcome."
#3 Tell the truth, misleadingly. The hardest lies to catch are those which aren't actually lies. You're telling the truth, but in a way that leaves a false impression. Technically, it's only a prevarication - about half a sin. A 1990 study of pathological liars in New York City found that those who could avoid follow-up questions were significantly more successful at their deceptions.
#2 Lay your groundwork. Don't wait until you're under the interrogation lamp to start putting your story together. A 1990 study by psychologist Bill Flanagan showed that liars who had worked out the details of their stories beforehand had significantly more success than those who hadn't. As in everything, practice makes perfect.
Really good liars, on the other hand, actually enjoy the process of deceiving other people. "The best liars don't show any shame or remorse because they don't feel it," says Cohen. "They get a thrill out of actively misleading others. They're good at it, and they enjoy the challenge."
Is that why good ol' Geoffrey Jackson always has a smile on his face?
Haemaphilliac Doctor talks of JW neighbours cruelty
by Diogenesister ini got my fingers burnt last time i copied a post from reddit, but this one made me so mad i had to show you guys.
i think its possible that the witnesses antagonism was exaggerated in his child's mind, never-the-less any nastiness to a sick child is beyond the pale.
the hospital i trained in lost nearly every last one of its 500 haemaphilliacs to aids - i think around 30 survived from this era.http://www.modernluxury.com/san-francisco/story/when-doctors-need-doctors-after-dodging-death-sentence-looking-cure.
cha ching
Thx Digenes, that was a great article, I LOVE how that kid grew up to be a doctor, and wants to help change the world for the better! What would we do without them! Thx again! -
Leaving the JWs
by Hurting ini am 32 years and have recently left the organisation.
i got baptised in last feb. please excuse any typing errors i have dyslexia.
it has been so hard this year i have gone through so many ups and downs.
cha ching
Hugs to you, Hurting....
This religion very insidiously makes EVERYONE feel as if they are never good enough, never did enough, should do more, etc, etc..
I would think about doing what will make your kids feel the best, without compromising truth. Real truth is gold. You don't want them to go thru the confusion & guilt that you did, right?
All of us go thru that dilemma in or head of what will "wake them up" or "help them", & sometimes there is nothing... Just closure for us.. So, take a while to think about it, spend time enjoying your kids. Take it slow, bounce things off of people here.
Glad you can vent, hugs, cha ching!
"Reproach on Jehovah's name"
by Phizzy inthe longer i am away from the cult, the more very childish and downright silly it seems in many many ways.. just another example of the childlike way they do not think things through is their obsession with "not bringing reproach on jehovah's name", that concept was used to stop jw's doing all sorts of stuff, a lot of it quite normal.. but the worst aspect of this concept is that they cover up the evil within their org any way they can.. yet they only have to look back on all the cover-ups of the past, by other religions, by politicians etc etc to see that an open acknowledgement and an open dealing with the situation at the time is far better.. cover-ups get exposed in the end, and leave you looking far worse than if dealt with honestly..
cha ching
I have ALWAYS hated that phrase, "it will bring reproach on Jehovah's name"
If Jehovah wrote about all the crap that happened "in his org" in the Hebrew scriptures, he wasn't worried about "bringing reproach on his name" ... even tho his number one guy, Satan, screeed him in the garden of Eden...
I called a spade a spade... Why can't we?
what buzz word from the jw's do you hate & why?
by Sabin inso my hubby has been on a bit of a roll about the jdubs, we were talking a lot about them & he said the buzz word he hate's the most is "worldly" why?
because he say's "with that one word they have condemned (according to their believes) a person as being worthy of nothing but death.
cha ching
Hello, fairly new, studying for around 7 months, just thought I would introduce myself.
by Conanthebeliever inhello everyone, i hope you are all ok. .
my name is conan, i am 25, and from the uk.
i have some brain damage, so i apologise in advance if my syntax is off or i go a long way around explaining things.
cha ching
Hi Conan, welcome! Many people here have been in the same position as you are at one time or the other.
I am from the United States, "the land of the free", raised in "the truth", but you know what? I did not have access too the other side of the story... My husband, my kids and I worked hard for this org, building kingdom halls, assembly halls, going door too door, ALL that..
Then, my husband had to testify in a pedophile trial.... The WT did not like that one bit, and bam!!!! He was disfellowshipped, and all of our 20, 30, 40 year friends were gone just like that!
$$$ seems to be what they want all the time, took us a long time to see things for what they were... The internet allows you to look at all the "old light" (as they like to say) & how it changes very CONVENIENT LY, when something doesn't work out for them.
It's nice to have "all the answers" (like the JWs want you to believe) but it just may be even more satisfying to have the REAL answers. So many of us did not plan for retirement because of listening to the WT, and NOW face reality, the WT is no where in sight to help us.
Take care, let us know how it goes!
Cha Ching
Another Galling WT Study
by Nicholaus Kopernicus injanuary 2016 watchtower (study edition).
be determined to “let your brotherly love continue”!.
this article was easy to read.
cha ching
Well said, NK, if you do not support sociopathic behavior, they will not have the power.... and who wants their life ruled by egotistical people? -
Only a few days ago I was entirely lost and without hope the rug was pulled out from under me
by elderess inonly a few days ago i was walking around the house in a mindless wander thinking if i needed to seek professional help.
then i got the courage to seek the comfort of complete strangers on the internet and found a world of support here on this website.
thank you simon and whoever else has made this website possible.
cha ching
Thank you for posting & giving more people hope. I also was the wife of an elder, had two great kids that were "in", one was married. We were always researchers, ready to stand up for what was right....BUT, I was so afraid for my kids... I wanted to save them so bad.... That was my nightmare..... Fortunately, all three did awaken... One of my sister's too... I remember how scary of a time that was.
The WT uses emotional blackmail, punishment, fear and all kinds of crap to keep people jailed in their mental priest that they like to call "mother". "She" is a cold hearted, child abusive woman.
You will LOVE living without her, enjoy!!!!!
Thanks for telling your story, it will give more people hope, it feels as if the dam is starting to bulge!!! Congratulations!
Cha Ching
AustralianRoyal Commission is big news in oz
by sherrie11 inthe catholic church case study28 is currently a major news item here in australia.
cha ching
Thanks, Umbertoecho, it is heartening to hear that FINALLY someone is not fooled by the WTBS BS!
Angus Stewart was well prepared for their shifty shenanigan wording and dodging of facts, he really exposed them for what they are.